A downloadable game


Learning to develop a larger game in a 3D development software definitely came with victories and challenges. Our team worked really well and hard together and our communication skills lead to a fairly seamless process. However, since our team was larger at 6 people, properly divvying up tasks and making sure everyone had something to work on and not overlapping was a challenge at times. The scope of our project also proved to be difficult at times with larger animation rigs, ps1 inspired aesthetic, multiple levels, and enemy variations. Overall the process was very positive and we are very proud of what we were able to accomplish in the time frame and with the complications that arose with developing for 3D spaces.


Gavin Sondrup: Lead designer, implementation/integration, basic systems programmer, cut scene director 

Tyler: Lead Programmer, player controller system engineer, UI graphics, texturing

 Chase: System programmer, Enemy controller system engineer, AI/pathfinding

 Kayla: Jump scare animator, animation controller engineer, texturing, asset collector

 Jarvis: Level designer, particle system engineer, lighting engineer, multimedia designer, state system programmer 

Evan: Music composer, sound effect developer, sound integration


Liminal Nightmares_Group13.zip


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nice but so hard